Ⅲ papers发表论文


Zhenyu GU, Jian Lou, (2016). Data Driven Webpage Color Design, Computer Aided Design.Volume 77, Pages 46–59

Zhenyu Gu , Xinya Xu, Chen Chu, Yuchen Zhang, (2015). To Write not Select, a New Text Entry Method Using Joystick, Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Technologies, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 9170, pp 35-43

Zhenyu Gu , Jia Ming Yu, Zhanwei Wu, Zhan Xun Dong,(2015). Visualizing Group User Behaviors for Social Network Interaction Design Iteration, Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9188 , pp 36-45

Zhenyu Gu, Cheng Chu, Xingya Xu, and Zhanxun Dong, (2015). Feature Stroke: A Text Entry Method Using Joystick, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 299-303, 2015.

Zhenyu Gu, Zhanwei Wu, Jiamin Yu, Jian Lou, (2013). A Color Schemer for Webpage Design Using Interactive Mood Board, Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8004, pp 555-564

Zhanwei Wu, ZhenYu Gu, Zhanxun Dong,(2013). Multi-dimensional Aesthetics Mining for Social Photo Recommendation, Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 374, pp 407-412

Zhanxun Dong, Zhenyu Gu, Zhanwei Wu. (2010). A New Ergonomics Manikin Generation Method from Real 3D Scanning Body. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 26-28: 1075-1078.

Quan Zhang, Zhenyu GU, (2009). A Color Harmony Measure Model with Shape Information, The 2009 International Symposium on Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications

Zhenyu Gu, Ming Xi Tang and John Hamilton Frazer. (2006). Capturing aesthetic intention during interactive evolution, Computer Aided Design, 38 (3), pp. 224-237.

Chang, D., and Chen, C.-H. (2016). Digital Design and Manufacturing of Wood Head Golf Club in a Cyber Physical Environment. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Accepted.
Chang, D., and Chen, C.-H. (2015). Product concept evaluation and selection using data mining and domain ontology in a crowdsourcing environment. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 29(4), 759-774.
Chang, D., Chen, C.-H., and Lee, K.M. (2014). A crowdsourcing development approach based on a neuro-fuzzy network for creating innovative product concepts. Neurocomputing. 142(2014), 60–72.
Chang, D., Lee, K.M., and Chen, C.-H. (2014). Review of life cycle assessment towards sustainable product development. Journal of Cleaner Production. 83(2014), 48-60.
Chang, D., and Chen, C.-H. (2014). Understanding the influence of customers on product innovation. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. 7(3/4), 348-364.





Medissenger is a new solution to address the problem of medication non-adherence. Devices have been invented to improve medication adherence and MTM (medication therapy management service), 5 Chinese patents have been applied and two US and EU patents are in pipeline. The solution is a service framework based on RFID technology and Internet of Thing (ioT). It supports safer and more convenient operation processes on both the pharmacy's side and the patient’s side. And more importantly, it adds a little fun into people’s medication activities, giving people a nudge in altering to a new healthier lifestyle.


Game Center

In order to help user recover from stroke, different game settings have been provided which will lead user acting in different speed, range of movement in the games. User will act as an explorer, who had been lost in an island. In order to survive, the only thing he could rely on is his wisdom and braveness. He would go deep into the forest to pick up fruits, dive into the sea to catch fish, etc. Finally, he returned his home……


Visualizing Group User Behaviors

Considering the popularity of UCD methods in recent years, it’s no surprise that User behavior data analysis has become an important tool in design process. Behavior tools based on data mining technology, such as Flurry and Google Analytics, is widely used in web-based applications to support quantitative user research. However, information visualization provided by those tools is usually adapted to business other than design needs, which could be hardly used by designers. This project addresses this problem by integrating online user behavior visualization techniques into interaction design iteration process.



Existing joystick text entry methods for game and TV boxes are curser-based selections on virtual keyboards. This project developed a new text entry method using joysticks as tangible devices to capture users’ freehand writing gestures. The method has considerable accuracy to accomplish English text entry. On the prediction model, we introduced HMM algorithm so users can enter text assisted with automatic correcting. We conducted a pairwise usability test on the keyboard selection method and writing-with-joystick method. The result shows that both of them are very easier to learn and writing-with-joystick is faster than the keyboard selection method both on the prediction model or none-prediction model. Subjects also report that using the keyboard selection method to enter text can be boring when using handwriting is somehow natural.


In-vehicle infotainment system

This project proposed a low-precision interfaces for in vehicle infotainment system that allow a driver to easily and intuitively manipulate while driving. It incorporates a variety of modalities, such as speech recognition, a manipulating device, and hand gesture recognition. Some prototypes of central control units have been developed in the light of the idea. Extensive quantitative and qualitative in-vehicle experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach enable drivers easy to manipulate an infotainment system while driving with much less cognitive load.


Data driven webpage design

A data driven automatic webpage coloring system. It demonstrates that the computational approaches to model the color harmony; color contrast and color semantics can ensure generation of acceptable coloring effects. The project developed a design framework for automatic webpage coloring regarding several fundamental design objectives: proper visual contrasts, multi-color compatibility and semantic associations. The objective functions are formulated with data-driven probabilistic models: the Color Contrast model concerning visual saliencies is trained on 52,000 basic components parsed from 500 popular webpages. Color Compatibility and Semantics are modeled from a dataset of manually tagged and rated color schemes from Adobe Kuler. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the models and the flexibility of the framework in two typical web color design scenarios: fine tuning a colored page and recoloring a page with a specified palette.


Visual complexity

A measure of visual complexity: By recording and analyzing 20 subject’s 500ms eye tracking data on 50 webpages, I found a single index, a kind of entropy in the Markov Chain of eye fixations, is predictive to the webpages’ aesthetic qualities (evaluated by the 20 subjects). Person Correlation is around 0.5. Multinomial Regression Analysis with correct rate 73%.

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